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The term Yoga comes from Sanskrit योग and belongs to the traditions of ancient Indian religions. It describes the combination of meditative and ascetic practices carried out in order to achieve a higher degree of Self-awareness and Self-Knowledge. Being a very wide discipline, practiced by different Hindu spiritual traditions, over the millennia yoga has has been shaped in many different forms, according to the different schools. That is the reason why today we know a plurality of styles of yoga.

Historical Origins of Yoga

The origins of Yoga are very old and the first traces of its roots are around 3.000 BC, in the Indus river valley. Its founding principles are contained in the Vedas, the sacred texts that represent the summa of Indian religious wisdom. The Vedas are considered the deeper expression of the culture of the Aries, the ethnic group that colonized the Indian Subcontinent in the Second Millennium BC, spreading on that area its culture and knowledge. The influence of the vedic wisdom was huge also on the philosopher Patanjali (II BC), who summarized his knowledge in the Yoga Sutras.

This important Sutra, which is one of the classical texts of Yoga, describes the Eight-Fold Path of Yoga, which are the prerogatives that a student has to pursue in order to obtain authentic illumination and achieve self-realization.

These steps, also known as Eight Limbs of Yoga, are:

  1. Yama
    Rules of moral behavior that a Yogi must adopt in social life (non-violence, truthfulness, non stealing, sexual restraint and lack of greed);
  2. Niyama
    Duties directed towards ourselves (cleanliness, contentment, discinplined use of our energy, study of one’s self and the Sutras, devotion);
  3. Asana
    Dedicated and regular practice of Yoga postures;
  4. Pranayama
    Application of breathing techniques;
  5. Pratyahara
    Deep introspection, control of the senses;
  6. Dharana
    Concentration, inner awarness and visualisation;
  7. Dhyana
    Practice of meditation;
  8. Samadhi
    It’s the ultimate goal of Yoga: to attain a state in which the body and senses are at rest, while the mind is alert, beyond consciusness, in connection with the Divine and all living things. 

Yoga is nowadays a widespread discipline in the West and it is appreciated not only as a means of relaxation and maintenance of physical form, but also as a foundation of a healthy lifestyle, centered on Ayurvedic principles.

Pills of Hinduism

Benefits of Yoga

The practice of Yoga involves all aspects of the physical and mental sphere and focuses the attention on specific postures, breath control, relaxation techniques and concentration.

The purpose of Yoga is the absolute control of one’s body and thoughts, aiming to reach a permanent state of well-being.

The benefits generated by Yoga, therefore, concern both body and mind. This true spiritual path brings several improvements to the quality of life of the pratictioners, among which are:

  • postural correction,
  • recovery of physiological respiration,
  • stress reduction,
  • emotional balance,
  • regulation of the sleep patterns,
  • muscle toning and overall physical fitness.

Yoga promotes a harmony between mind and body and a connection with the deeper Self, allowing us to feel a sense of Unity, that we lost in this modern world.

Which style of yoga to choose?

Techniques and Styles of Yoga

At the heart of the Yogic practice lies the use of breathing techniques (pranayama) in association with specific postures, called asanas. Sometimes we use specific hand gestures (mudras) and the repetition of mantras.

Currently Yoga is practiced in a plurality of styles, some come from ancient tradition while others are generated by the fusion of Indian philosophy with Western-style technologies and principles.

Among the latter, for example, stands out Antigravity Yoga (or Aerial Yoga), which combines dance, pilates and rhythmic gymnastics, and was developed at the end of the 90s in the United States.

Over the millennia many different schools arised, and it is almoust impossible to provid an exhaustive list, but we can identify the main styles that represent the core of modern Yoga: 

  • Hatha Yoga
    The name of these styles comes from Ha, "Sun", and Tha, "Moon", to identify the two dimensions which are part of the human nature, the Body and the Consciousness. Its peculiarity is a slow pace and a relaxed and meditative atmosphere. Therefore it is recommended to beginners and to those who approach for the first time the practice of Yoga.
  • Iyengar Yoga
    This style was developed by the master B.K.S Iyengar during the ’70s. The emphasis is put entirely on the technical precision and alignment of the asanas and the control of breath techniques (pranayama), promoting the development of strength, mobility and stability.
  • Ashtanga Yoga
    Asthanga is a form of Yoga in which dynamism and energy dominate. The basis of the practice is the repetiotion of precise sequences of asanas, each one preparatory to the next one. It is a style that requires a considerable physical effort and a high degree of concentration.
  • Vinyasa Yoga
    In Vinyasa the emphasis is on the synchronization between breath and movement. The positions are performed following a continuum, without interruptions and always in coordination with the rhythms of the inspirations and expirations. The class sequences are performed in a continuous flow, which incorporates every type of asana, from standing postures (called "tadasana") to lying positions, prone or supine.
  • Kundalini Yoga
    Kundalini style is directed to the awakening of the inner energy, therefore the classes are focused on the stimulation of specific chakras. Sessions can vary greatly from one another, alternating between physically intense sessions and moments dedicated to breathing techniques and recollection. 
  • Anusara Yoga
    Anusara focuses on a non-dual tantric philosophy and it represents the ideal combination of technique, vitality and dynamism. Founded in the USA during the 1990s, it is one of the styles that received greater popularity in latest decades. His philosophy is based on the so-called "three A of Anusara": Attitude, Alignment and Action.
  • Bikram Yoga
    Bikram Yoga is a style deeply related to Hatha, both being based on the same techniques and asanas. The peculiarity of Bikram (also called Hot Yoga or Warm Yoga) is that the practice takes place inside a heated room, in order to promote relaxation and muscle flexibility and to induce the expulsion of toxins through perspiration.

Start your journey of discovery this wonderful discipline: experience a Yoga class and find out for yourself all the extraordinary psychophysical benefits and the feeling of deep well-being that derives from it.
Check the timetables of our Yoga courses in Rome and do not hesitate to contact us to ask for more information on the styles and classes.

"The practice of yoga helps the lazy body to become active and vibrant. It transforms the mind, making it harmonious. Yoga helps to maintain the body and mind in harmony with the spirit."

 B. K. S. Iyengar

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