This style comes from Hatha Yoga, but differently from other methods, places greater emphasis on the physical aspect of the practice. The main attention is on details, precision and alignment in the performance of poses (asanas). The ultimate aim of this intense practice is to work deeply on the body to get in touch with its authentic nature, allowing it to be fully expressed and encouraging inner Awakening.
Poses, sequences and characteristics
Iyengar style is based on the 200 positions of the traditional Yoga, to be held for specific lengths of time, and 14 breathing techniques (pranayama). The different asanas are taught progressivly, in order to allow the students to gradually develop the practice from the easiest to the most advanced exercises, moving harmoniusly and overcoming the gap between mind, body and spirit. The peculiarity of Iyengar Yoga lies in the use of a series of tools to allow anyone to adopt the expected positions, despite physical obstacles or limitations. Through the use of wooden supports, cushions, belts and special chairs, therefore, even the most advanced and challenging asanas will be accessible to everyone.
Psychophysical benefits
Il benessere derivante dalla pratica dello Yoga Iyengar si distribuisce sia sul piano fisico che psicologico. L’attenzione verso la postura e la simmetria lo rendono uno strumento eccezionale per alleviare problematiche a carico della colonna vertebrale, mentre l’enfasi sull’aspetto isometrico consiste in un ottimo metodo di rafforzamento dei muscoli, a vantaggio della tonicità e a beneficio articolazioni. Ideale da accostare ad altre attività sportive, quali la corsa, il ciclismo o il nuoto, al fine di integrare e completare la propria preparazione atletica, consente al contempo di fornire un valido supporto contro ipertensione, depressione, insonnia e i disturbi connessi alla menopausa. Questo stile dai numero pregi ha, in sostanza, la valenza di un vero e proprio trattamento terapeutico, in quanto agisce in modo efficace anche sull’equilibrio degli organi interni, del sistema endocrino e delle funzioni immunitarie.
The well-being deriving from the practice of Iyengar Yoga is both physical and psychological. The attention to posture and symmetry make it an exceptional help to alleviate problems related to the spine. The emphasis on isometric appearance is very effective in strengthening the muscles, benefitting muscolar tone as well as joints. It is ideal to combine with other sports activities, such as running, cycling or swimming, in order to integrate and complete one‘s athletic training, and at the same time it provides a valid support against hypertension, depression, insomnia and disorders related to menopause. All things considered, Iyengar yoga is a real therapeutic treatment, as it acts on the balance of internal organs, the endocrine system and immune functions.
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